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Code Red: This is not a drill—Kim Bishop & Jesse Garcia

Kim Bishop & Jessica Garcia Jessica Garcia was a high school student in Kim Bishop’s art class when the announcement came from over head, “Code Red. This is not a drill.” Like in most classrooms the automatic responses kicked in and it wasn’t until after the event had concluded, and everyone had gone home, that the reality of the danger really soaked in. Since then Bishop has heard that announcement three more times in the duration of her educational career and she says “It never gets easier.” After the February 14, 2018 mass shooting event in Florida and the other unfortunate events prior, Garcia and Bishop decided to reflect on the emotional impact that these events have had on their psyche. Garcia, a graduating art student from Texas State University, and Bishop, an artist and art educator in the public schools for thirty years, come together to create a visual conversation about the roles, frustrations and myriad amount of emotions that students and teachers face in today’s America. Code Red: This Is Not A Drill acknowledges the urgency and affects of the problem and our desperate need for a solution.

Rubio Gallery-South @ Southtown Flats 111 Probandt, SATX 78204 Opening Reception, June 1, 2018 7:00pm-10:00pm Gallery Info: 210-793-8899 On Exhibit: 6-1-18 thru 6-30-18 Viewing Appointment- Contact Rubio 210-793-8899

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