Here we go! — An Altar/Ofrenda before Election Day 11/05/2024
“Here We Go“ , read the caption in the photo Pvt.1st Class Horacio Sanchez Valderas sent home after finishing basic training in 1943....

UTSA Teuquiyaoatl(sacred portal) Installation: The Portal of Coatepec—2022
Throughout human history portals have taken many forms and the parallel realities that they connect are described at length in the myths...

Expedition to The Xicanx exhibit @ MOA-UBC, Vancouver for Xicanx Speaks
Its 4:30am CST Friday November 18th, the alarm woke me from my sleep and I popped up to get ready to travel to the other end of the...

Dia De Los Muertos Ofrenda/Altar for DeWitt Carter Reddick & Horacio Sanchez Valderas—2022
The ofrenda /altar is a collaboration between artists Kim Bisho & Luis Valderas and was installed for the 45th Annal Dia de los Muertos...

Bishop & Valderas—10 years of Collaboration
Ten years ago when Kim Bishop and I first began collaborating I knew it was the beginning of an important art conversation between the...

COVID-19 & Sheltering/Working in the Art Studio
How it went down… On March 13th, 2020 my school district extended Spring Break for a week to figure out the next move during this...

We already have a Space Force...it's Project:MASA-IV
#ProjectMASAIV The Project:MASA Exhibit Series 2005—07 (I, II & III) featured latino artists from across the nation who use cosmic...

Expedition to Mundos Alternos-Alien Skins-NYC
In the recent year or so there has been an influx of San Antonio based artists visiting and exhibiting in New York City. Patricia...

A3~Pop Up Industrial Press presents @ Texchange:SGCI 2019 Conference Panel
What is SGCI 2019? Texchange engages the capacity of printmaking to act as an agent of transformation in its practices within the field,...

2018—the year in review
As 2018 comes to an end I find myself feeling grateful for all the new people that I met and hopeful for all the new opportunities that...